Benedikt Ahrens and Régis Spadotti— Terminal semantics for codata types in intensional Martin-Löf type theory
Table of contents
Require Import Category.Setoids.
Require Import Category.Types.
Require Import Category.Types_Setoids.
Require Import Category.RComod.
Require Import Category.RComonad.
Require Import Category.RComonadWithCut.
Require Import Category.TriMat.Category.
Require Import Category.TriMat.Axioms.
Require Import Theory.Category.
Require Import Theory.InitialTerminal.
Require Import Theory.Functor.
Require Import Theory.RelativeComonad.
Require Import Theory.RelativeComonadWithCut.
Require Import Theory.Comodule.
Require Import Theory.Product.
Require Import Theory.PrecompositionWithProduct.
Require Import Theory.PushforwardComodule.

Generalizable All Variables.

Tri is terminal in TriMat

Module TriMatTerminal (Import TE : Typ) (Import Ax : TriMatAxioms TE).

  Local Notation ETE.t (only parsing).

  Local Notation coRec hd tl ≔ (corec (λ _ hd) (λ _ tl)) (only parsing).

-∼- is an equivalence relation

  Lemma bisim_refl : {A} {s : Tri A}, s s.
  Show proof.
    intros. apply bisim_intro with (Rλ _ s₁ s₂ s₁ = s₂); [clean_hyps; intros..|auto].
    - subst; reflexivity.
    - subst; reflexivity.

  Lemma bisim_sym : {A} {s₁ s₂ : Tri A}, s₁ s₂ s₂ s₁.
  Show proof.
    apply bisim_intro with (Rλ _ s₁ s₂ s₂ s₁); [clean_hyps; intros..|auto].
    - symmetry; now apply ∼-top.
    - now apply ∼-rest.

  Lemma bisim_trans : {A} {s₁ s₂ s₃ : Tri A}, s₁ s₂ s₂ s₃ s₁ s₃.
  Show proof.
    apply bisim_intro with (Rλ _ s₁ s₃ s₂, s₁ s₂ s₂ s₃);
    [clean_hyps; intros.. | eauto].
    - destruct H as (? & ? & ?).
      etransitivity. eapply ∼-top; eauto.
      now apply ∼-top.
    - destruct H as (? & ? & ?).
      eexists; split; eapply ∼-rest; eauto.

  Instance bisim_equiv : {A}, Equivalence (@bisim A).
  Show proof.
    constructor; repeat intro.
    - now apply bisim_refl.
    - now apply bisim_sym.
    - eapply bisim_trans; eauto.

  Lemma eq_bisim : {A} {s₁ s₂ : Tri A}, s₁ = s₂ s₁ s₂.
  Show proof.
    intros. now rewrite H.

Tri as a setoid

  Program Definition TRI (A : Type) : Setoids.Obj
    Setoids.make Carrier Tri A ; Equiv bisim .

top & rest are setoids morphisms

  Lemma top_cong : {A} {s₁ s₂ : Tri A}, s₁ s₂ top s₁ = top s₂.
  Show proof.
    intros A s₁ s₂ eq_s₁s₂. now apply ∼-top.

  Lemma rest_cong : {A} {s₁ s₂ : Tri A}, s₁ s₂ rest s₁ rest s₂.
  Show proof.
    intros A s₁ s₂ eq_s₁s₂. now apply ∼-rest.

  Lemma bisim_intro_bis : {A} {t₁ t₂ : Tri A}, top t₁ = top t₂ rest t₁ rest t₂ t₁ t₂.
  Show proof.
    apply bisim_intro with (Rλ A (s₁ s₂ : Tri A) top s₁ = top s₂ rest s₁ rest s₂);
      [ clean_hyps; intros..|].
    - tauto.
    - split. destruct H.
      + now apply top_cong.
      + destruct H.
        now apply rest_cong.
    - tauto.

  Program Definition 𝒕𝒐𝒑 {A} : TRI A 𝑬𝑸 ASetoids.Morphism.make top.
  Show proof.
    now apply top_cong.

  Program Definition 𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒕 {A} : TRI A TRI (E ⟨×⟩ A) ≔ Setoids.Morphism.make rest.
  Show proof.
    now apply rest_cong.

Redecoration for infinite triangular matrices

  Definition cut {A} : Tri (E ⟨×⟩ A) Tri AcoRec (λ x snd (top x)) rest.

  Lemma top_cut : {A} {t : Tri (E ⟨×⟩ A)}, top (cut t) = snd (top t).
  Show proof.
    intros. unfold cut. rewrite (top_corec (Tλ A Tri (E ⟨×⟩ A))). reflexivity.

  Lemma rest_cut : {A} {t : Tri (E ⟨×⟩ A)}, rest (cut t) = cut (rest t).
  Show proof.
    intros. unfold cut. rewrite (rest_corec (Tλ A Tri (E ⟨×⟩ A))). reflexivity.

  Lemma cut_cong : {A} (x y : Tri (E ⟨×⟩ A)), x y cut x cut y.
  Show proof.
    apply bisim_intro with (Rλ A (s₁ s₂ : Tri A) x y, x y s₁ = cut x s₂ = cut y);
    - destruct H as (x & y & eq_xy & → & ->).
      repeat rewrite top_cut. f_equal. now apply top_cong.
    - destruct H as (x & y & eq_xy & → & ->).
       (rest x). (rest y). repeat split.
      + now apply rest_cong.
      + now apply rest_cut.
      + now apply rest_cut.
    - x. y. tauto.

  Definition lift {A B : Type} (f : Tri A B) : Tri (E ⟨×⟩ A) E ⟨×⟩ Bλ x (fst (top x) , f (cut x)).

  Lemma lift_cong :
     {A B} {f : Tri A B}{t₁ t₂ : Tri (E ⟨×⟩ A)},
      ( {t₁ t₂}, t₁ t₂ f t₁ = f t₂) t₁ t₂ lift f t₁ = lift f t₂.
  Show proof.
    unfold lift. f_equal.
    - f_equal. now apply top_cong.
    - apply H. now apply cut_cong.

  Lemma lift_ext : {A B} {f g : Tri A B}, f g {t}, lift f t = lift g t.
  Show proof.
    intros. unfold lift. f_equal.
    apply H.

  Definition redec {A B} (f : Tri A B) (t : Tri A) : Tri B
    @corec (λ B { A : Type & Tri A B & Tri A})
           (λ _ t let '(existT2 A f t) ≔ t
                    in f t)
           (λ _ t let '(existT2 A f t) ≔ t
                    in existT2 _ _ (E ⟨×⟩ A) (lift f) (rest t))
           B (existT2 (λ A Tri A B) (λ A Tri A) A f t).

  Lemma top_redec : {A B} (f : Tri A B) (t : Tri A), top (redec f t) = f t.
  Show proof.
    intros. unfold redec.
    now rewrite (top_corec (Tλ B {A : Type & Tri A B & Tri A})).

  Lemma rest_redec : {A B} (f : Tri A B) (t : Tri A), rest (redec f t) = redec (lift f) (rest t).
  Show proof.
    intros. unfold redec.
    now rewrite (rest_corec (Tλ B {A : Type & Tri A B & Tri A})).

  Lemma redec_cong:
     {A B} {f : Tri A B} {t₁ t₂}, ( t₁ t₂, t₁ t₂ f t₁ = f t₂) t₁ t₂ redec f t₁ redec f t₂.
  Show proof.
    apply bisim_intro
      with (Rλ B (s₁ s₂ : Tri B)
                   A (x y : Tri A) f,
                      x y ( t₁ t₂, t₁ t₂ f t₁ = f t₂)
                     s₁ = redec f x s₂ = redec f y); [clean_hyps; intros..|].
    - destruct H as (B & x & y & f & eq_xy & f_proper & → & ->).
      repeat rewrite top_redec. now apply f_proper.
    - destruct H as (B & x & y & f & eq_xy & f_proper & → & ->).
      eexists. (rest x). (rest y). (lift f). repeat split.
      + now apply ∼-rest.
      + intros. now apply lift_cong.
      + now apply rest_redec.
      + now apply rest_redec.
    - repeat eexists; eauto.

  Lemma redec_ext : {A B} {f g : Tri A B} {t}, f g redec f t redec g t.
  Show proof.
    apply bisim_intro
      with (Rλ B (s₁ s₂ : Tri B) A x (f g : Tri A B), f g s₁ = redec f x s₂ = redec g x);
      [clean_hyps; intros..|].
    - destruct H as (B & x & f & g & eq_fg & → & ->).
      repeat rewrite top_redec. now apply eq_fg.
    - destruct H as (B & x & f & g & eq_fg & → & ->).
      eexists. (rest x). (lift f). (lift g). repeat split.
      + intro. now apply lift_ext.
      + now rewrite rest_redec.
      + now rewrite rest_redec.
    - do 2 eexists. f. g. repeat eexists; eauto.

  Lemma redec_cut : {A B} {f : Tri A B} {t}, redec f (cut t) cut (redec (lift f) t).
  Show proof.
    apply bisim_intro with (Rλ B (s₁ s₂ : Tri B)
                                   A (x : Tri (E ⟨×⟩ A)) f,
                                    s₁ = redec f (cut x) s₂ = cut (redec (lift f) x));
      [ clean_hyps; intros..|].
    - destruct H as (B & x & f & → & ->).
      rewrite top_redec. rewrite top_cut. rewrite top_redec. reflexivity.
    - destruct H as (B & x & f & → & ->).
      eexists. (rest x). (lift f). split.
      + rewrite rest_redec. rewrite rest_cut. reflexivity.
      + rewrite rest_cut. rewrite rest_redec. reflexivity.
    - repeat eexists.

Tri is a relative comonad with cut over EQ

  Obligation Tacticidtac.
  Program Definition 𝑻𝒓𝒊 : 𝑹𝑪𝒐𝒎𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒅𝑾𝒊𝒕𝒉𝑪𝒖𝒕 𝑬𝑸 E
    RelativeComonadWithCut.make T TRI
                                ; counit λ X 𝒕𝒐𝒑
                                ; cobind λ X Y λ f Setoids.Morphism.make (redec f)
                                ; cut λ A Setoids.Morphism.make cut .
  Show proof.
    intros. apply redec_cong; auto. intros. now rewrite H0.
  Show proof.
    intros X Y f g eq_fg x y eq_xy. rewrite eq_xy. apply redec_ext. intro t. now apply eq_fg.
  Show proof.
    simpl. intros.
    apply bisim_intro with (λ A (s₁ s₂ : Tri A) x y, x y s₁ redec top x s₂ = y);
      [clean_hyps; intros..|].
    - destruct H as (x & y & eq_xy & eq & ->).
      etransitivity. eapply top_cong. apply eq.
      rewrite top_redec. now apply top_cong.
    - destruct H as (x & y & eq_xy & eq & ->).
       (rest x). (rest y). repeat split.
      + now apply ∼-rest.
      + etransitivity. eapply rest_cong. apply eq.
        rewrite rest_redec. apply redec_ext.
        intro . unfold lift. rewrite top_cut. revert x0.
        evar (top' : {A}, Tri A A).
        instantiate (1 ≔ @top) in (Value of top').
        change ( π top' _ , (π (AE) (BA) (pE × A)) top' _ top' _).
        symmetry. apply Pmor_universal; reflexivity.
    - x. y. repeat split.
      + apply H.
      + reflexivity.
  Show proof.
    repeat intro. rewrite H. simpl. now rewrite top_redec.
  Show proof.
    intros X Y Z f g x y eq_xy. rewrite <- eq_xy. clear y eq_xy. simpl.
    apply bisim_intro with (λ Z (s₁ s₂ : Tri Z)
                               X Y (x : Tri X) (f : Tri X Y) (g : Tri Y Z),
                                  ( t₁ t₂, t₁ t₂ g t₁ = g t₂)
                                 s₁ = redec g (redec f x) s₂ redec (λ y g (redec f y)) x);
    [clean_hyps; intros..|].
    - destruct H as (X & Y & x & f & g & g_prp & → & eq).
      symmetry. etransitivity. eapply top_cong; exact eq.
      now repeat rewrite top_redec.
    - destruct H as (X & Y & x & f & g & g_prp & → & eq).
      do 2 eexists. (rest x). (lift f). (lift g). repeat split.
      + intros. apply lift_cong; auto.
      + now repeat rewrite rest_redec.
      + etransitivity. eapply rest_cong; exact eq.
        repeat rewrite rest_redec. apply redec_ext.
        intro t. unfold lift. f_equal.
        × rewrite top_redec. reflexivity.
        × apply g_prp. apply redec_cut.
    - do 2 eexists. x. f. g. repeat split.
      + intros. now rewrite H.
      + reflexivity.
  Show proof.
    intros. now apply cut_cong.
  Show proof.
    intros A x y eq_xy. rewrite eq_xy. simpl. now rewrite top_cut.
  Show proof.
    intros A B f x y eq_xy. rewrite eq_xy. simpl.
    apply redec_cut.

Tri coalgebra

  Program Definition 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕 : [𝑻𝒓𝒊] [𝑻𝒓𝒊][E×─]
    Comodule.make α λ A Setoids.Morphism.make (@rest A) .
  Show proof.
    intros A x y eq_xy. now apply rest_cong.
  Show proof.
    intros A B f x y eq_xy. rewrite eq_xy.
    simpl. rewrite rest_redec. reflexivity.

  Program Definition 𝑪𝒖𝒕 : [𝑻𝒓𝒊][E×─] [𝑻𝒓𝒊]
    Comodule.make α λ A Setoids.Morphism.make (@cut A) .
  Show proof.
    intros A x y eq_xy. now apply cut_cong.
  Show proof.
    intros A B f x y eq_xy. rewrite eq_xy.
    symmetry. simpl. apply redec_cut.

  Program Definition 𝑻𝑹𝑰 : 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝑴𝒂𝒕 E
    TriMat.make T 𝑻𝒓𝒊
    ; rest 𝑹𝒆𝒔𝒕 .
  Show proof.
    intros A; repeat intro. rewrite H.
    simpl. now rewrite rest_cut.

𝑻𝑹𝑰 is a terminal object

  Section Defs.

    Variable (Tr : 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝑴𝒂𝒕 E).

    Notation T≔ (TriMat.T Tr).
    Notation "'T⋅rest'"≔ ( Tr _).
    Notation "'T⋅rest[' A ]"≔ ( Tr A) (only parsing).
    Notation TRI≔ (TriMat.T 𝑻𝑹𝑰).
    Notation "'TRI⋅rest'"≔ ( 𝑻𝑹𝑰 _).
    Notation "'TRI⋅rest[' A ]"≔ ( 𝑻𝑹𝑰 A) (only parsing).

    Definition tau {A} (t : T A) : TRI AcoRec Tcounit Trest t.

    Lemma top_tau : A (t : T A), top (tau t) = Tcounit t.
    Show proof.
      intros. unfold tau. simpl. rewrite @top_corec. reflexivity.

    Lemma rest_tau : A (t : T A), rest (tau t) = tau (Trest t).
    Show proof.
      intros. unfold tau. simpl. now rewrite @rest_corec.

    Infix "∼" ≔ SEquiv.

    Lemma tau_cong : A (x y : T A), x y tau x tau y.
    Show proof.
      apply bisim_intro with (Rλ B (s₁ s₂ : TRI B) (x y : T B), x y s₁ = tau x s₂ = tau y);
        [clean_hyps; intros..|].
      - destruct H as (x & y & eq_xy & → & ->).
        repeat rewrite top_tau. now rewrite eq_xy.
      - destruct H as (x & y & eq_xy & → & ->).
         (Trest x). (Trest y). repeat split.
        + now rewrite eq_xy.
        + now rewrite rest_tau.
        + now rewrite rest_tau.
      - repeat eexists. apply H.

    Program Definition Tau {A} : T A TRI A
      Setoids.Morphism.make tau.
    Show proof.
      intros. now apply tau_cong.

    Lemma tau_counit : A (t t' : T A), t t' Tcounit t TRIcounit (tau t').
    Show proof.
      intros A t t' eq_tt'. simpl. rewrite top_tau. now rewrite eq_tt'.

    Lemma tau_cut : A (x y : T (E × A)), x y tau (Tcut x) TRIcut (tau y).
    Show proof.
      apply bisim_intro
        with (Rλ B (s₁ s₂ : TRI B) (x y : T (E ⟨×⟩ B)), x y s₁ tau (Tcut x) s₂ = TRIcut (tau y));
        [clean_hyps; intros..|].
      - destruct H as (x & y & eq_xy & eq & ->).
        etransitivity. eapply top_cong; exact eq.
        rewrite top_tau. etransitivity. apply (cut_counit T _ x). reflexivity.
        simpl. rewrite top_cut. rewrite top_tau. f_equal. now rewrite eq_xy.
      - destruct H as (x & y & eq_xy & eq & ->).
         (Trest x). (Trest y). repeat split.
        + now rewrite eq_xy.
        + etransitivity. eapply rest_cong; exact eq.
          rewrite rest_tau. apply tau_cong. now apply (TriMat.rest_cut Tr).
        + simpl. rewrite rest_cut. rewrite rest_tau. reflexivity.
      - repeat eexists. apply H. reflexivity.

    Lemma tau_cobind : A B (f : TRI A 𝑬𝑸 B) x y, x y Tau (Tcobind (f Tau) x) TRIcobind f (Tau y).
    Show proof.
      intros A B f x y eq_xy. rewrite <- eq_xy. clear eq_xy.
      apply bisim_intro
        with (Rλ B (s₁ s₂ : TRI B)
                     A (x : T A) (f : TRI A 𝑬𝑸 B),
                      s₁ Tau (Tcobind (f Tau) x) s₂ = TRIcobind f (Tau x));
        [clean_hyps; intros..|].
      - destruct H as (B & x & f & eq & ->).
        etransitivity. eapply top_cong; exact eq.
        etransitivity. apply top_tau.
        etransitivity. apply (counit_cobind T). reflexivity.
        simpl. now rewrite top_redec.
      - destruct H as (B & x & f & eq & ->).
        eexists. (Trest x). (TRIextend f). repeat split.
        + etransitivity. eapply rest_cong; exact eq.
          simpl. rewrite rest_tau. apply tau_cong.
          etransitivity. apply (α_commutes ( Tr)). reflexivity.
          apply (Π.cong _ _ (Tcobind)). intros u v eq_uv. simpl. f_equal.
          f_equal. rewrite top_tau. now rewrite eq_uv.
          apply (Setoids.cong f). now apply tau_cut. reflexivity.
        + simpl. rewrite rest_redec, rest_tau. reflexivity.
      - repeat eexists. reflexivity.

  End Defs.

◯ is a morphism of triangles
  Program Definition (T : 𝑻𝒓𝒊𝑴𝒂𝒕 E) : T 𝑻𝑹𝑰
    TriMat.make τ RelativeComonadWithCut.make τ λ A Tau T .
  Show proof.
    repeat intro. now apply tau_counit.
  Show proof.
    repeat intro. now apply tau_cobind.
  Show proof.
    repeat intro. symmetry. apply tau_cut. now symmetry.
  Show proof.
    repeat intro. rewrite H. simpl. now rewrite rest_tau.

𝑻𝑹𝑰 is a terminal object
  Program Definition Terminality : Terminal (𝑻𝒓𝒊𝑴𝒂𝒕 E) ≔
    Terminal.make one 𝑻𝑹𝑰
    ; top .
  Show proof.
    intros T f A x y eq_xy. rewrite <- eq_xy. clear eq_xy; simpl.
    apply bisim_intro
      with (Rλ A (s₁ s₂ : TRI A) x (f : T 𝑻𝑹𝑰), s₁ f A x s₂ = tau T x);
      [clean_hyps; intros..|].
    - destruct H as (x & f & eq & ->).
      etransitivity. eapply top_cong; exact eq.
      rewrite top_tau. simpl. etransitivity. symmetry. apply (_counit f). reflexivity. reflexivity.
    - destruct H as (x & f & eq & ->).
       ( T _ x). f. split.
      + etransitivity. eapply rest_cong; exact eq.
        symmetry. eapply (TriMat_commutes f). reflexivity.
      + rewrite rest_tau. reflexivity.
    - repeat eexists. reflexivity.

End TriMatTerminal.
Benedikt Ahrens and Régis Spadotti— Terminal semantics for codata types in intensional Martin-Löf type theory
Table of contents