Benedikt Ahrens and Régis Spadotti— Terminal semantics for codata types in intensional Martin-Löf type theory
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Require Import Misc.Unicode.
Require Import Morphisms.
Require Export SetoidClass.

Generalizable All Variables.


Setoid definiton

Module Setoid.

  Structure Setoid : TypemkSetoid
  { Carrier:>Type
  ; Equiv:Carrier Carrier Prop
  ; is_Equiv:Equivalence Equiv }.

  Existing Instance is_Equiv.

  Arguments Equiv {_} _ _.

  Notation "'Setoid.make' ⦃ 'Carrier' ≔ c ; 'Equiv' ≔ eq ⦄" ≔
    (mkSetoid c eq _) (only parsing).

  Program Definition eq_setoid (T : Type) : SetoidSetoid.make Carrier T
  ; Equiv eq .

  Notation "_≈_"Equiv(only parsing).
  Notation "x ≈ y :> T"≔ (Equiv (sT) x y)(at level 70, y at next level, no associativity).
  Notation "x ≈ y"≔ (Equiv x y)(at level 70, no associativity).
  Notation "x ≉ y"≔ (complement Equiv x y)(at level 70, no associativity).

End Setoid.

Morphism between setoids

Module Π.

  Import Setoid.

  Structure Π (From To : Setoid) : TypemkΠ
  { map:>From To
  ; map_proper:Proper (__ ==> __) map }.

  Existing Instance map_proper.

  Lemma cong From To (f : Π From To) : x y, x y f x f y.
  Show proof.
    intros x y eq_xy; now rewrite eq_xy.

  Program Definition setoid (From To : Setoid) : Setoid
    Setoid.make Carrier Π From To
    ; Equiv λ f g x y, x y f x g y .
  Show proof.
      intros f x y eq_xy. now rewrite eq_xy.
      intros f g eq_fg x y eq_xy. rewrite eq_xy. symmetry. now apply eq_fg.
      intros f g h eq_fg eq_gh x y eq_xy. etransitivity; eauto.
      now apply eq_gh.

  Notation "[ A ⟶ B ]" ≔ (Π A B).

  Notation make f ≔ (@mkΠ _ _ f _) (only parsing).

  Notation "'λ' x .. y ↦ F" ≔ (make (λ x .. (λ y F) ..))
    (at level 200, x binder, y binder, no associativity).

  Program Definition id {A} : [A A]make (λ x x).
  Show proof.
    intros f g eq_fg. exact eq_fg.

  Program Definition compose {A B C} (g : [B C]) (f : [A B]) : [A C]make (λ x g (f x)).
  Show proof.
    intros x y eq_xy. rewrite eq_xy. reflexivity.

End Π.

Module Π₂.

  Import Setoid.

  Structure Π₂ (A B C : Setoid) : TypemkΠ₂
  { map:>A B C
  ; map_compose:Proper (__ ==> __ ==> __) map }.

  Existing Instance map_compose.

  Lemma cong A B C (f : Π₂ A B C) : x x' y y', x x' y y' f x y f x' y'.
  Show proof.
    intros x x' y y' eq_xx' eq_yy'; now rewrite eq_xx', eq_yy'.

  Notation "[ A ⟶ B ⟶ C ]" ≔ (Π₂ A B C).

  Notation makef ≔ (@mkΠ₂ _ _ _ f _) (only parsing).

  Notation "'λ' x .. y ↦₂ F" ≔ (make (λ x .. (λ y F) ..))
    (at level 200, x binder, y binder, no associativity).

End Π₂.

Export Setoid Π Π₂.
Benedikt Ahrens and Régis Spadotti— Terminal semantics for codata types in intensional Martin-Löf type theory
Table of contents