Benedikt Ahrens and RΓ©gis Spadotti—
Terminal semantics for codata types in intensional Martin-LoΜf type theory
Table of contents
Terminal semantics for codata types in intensional Martin-LoΜf type theory
This table of contents give pointers in the Coq formalisation following the sectioning of the
Category definition
Category of Types
Category of Setoids
Functor π¬πΈ : Type -> Setoid
Cartesian strong monoidal functors
Functor π¬πΈ is strong monoidal
Codata types in intensional Martin-LoΜf type theory
Cosubstitution for streams
Infinite triangular matrices
Redecoration for infinite triangular matrices
Relative Comonads and their morphisms
Relative comonad definition
Functoriality of relative comonads
Morphism of relative comonads
Category of relative comonads
Comodules over relative comonads
Comodule over a relative comonad definition
Functoriality of comodules
Morphism of comodules
Category of comodules
Tautological comodule
Pushforward comodule
Morphism of comonads induces morphism of comodules
Terminality for streams and infinite triangular matrices
Relative comonad with cut definition
Morphism of relative comonads with cut
Category of relative comonads with cut
Canonical cut operation
Precomposition with product
Pushforward commutes with precomposition with product
Category of streams
Terminal object in Stream
Category TriMat of infinite triangular matrices
Terminal object in TriMat
Benedikt Ahrens and RΓ©gis Spadotti—
Terminal semantics for codata types in intensional Martin-LoΜf type theory
Table of contents