Benedikt Ahrens and Régis Spadotti— Terminal semantics for codata types in intensional Martin-Löf type theory
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Require Import Misc.Unicode.
Require Import Theory.Notations.
Require Import Category.Stream.Axioms.
Require Import Category.Stream.Terminality.

Stream model as a coinductive type

Module StreamInstance : StreamAxioms.

  CoInductive Stream_ A : Type
    Cons : A Stream_ A Stream_ A.

  Arguments Cons {_} _ _.

  Notation "_∷_" ≔ Cons.
  Notation "x ∷ xs" ≔ (Cons x xs) (at level 60, right associativity).

  Definition Stream : Type TypeStream_.
  Definition head {A} : Stream A Aλ s let '(x _) ≔ s in x.
  Definition tail {A} : Stream A Stream Aλ s let '(_ xs) ≔ s in xs.

  CoFixpoint corec {A T} (hd : T A) (tl : T T) : T Stream A
    λ t hd t corec hd tl (tl t).

  Lemma head_corec : {A T} {hd : T A} {tl : T T} {t}, head (corec hd tl t) = hd t.
  Show proof.

  Lemma tail_corec : {A T} {hd : T A} {tl : T T} {t}, tail (corec hd tl t) = corec hd tl (tl t).
  Show proof.

Equivalence relation on streams
  Reserved Notation "x ∼ y" (at level 70, right associativity).

  CoInductive bisim_ {A} : Stream A Stream A Prop
  | bintro : {s₁ s₂ : Stream A}, head s₁ = head s₂ tail s₁ tail s₂ s₁ s₂
  where "s₁ ∼ s₂" ≔ (@bisim_ _ s₁ s₂).

  Definition bisim {A} ≔ @bisim_ A.

  Lemma bisim_head : {A} {s₁ s₂ : Stream A}, s₁ s₂ head s₁ = head s₂.
  Show proof.
    intros. now destruct H.
  Lemma bisim_tail : {A} {s₁ s₂ : Stream A}, s₁ s₂ tail s₁ tail s₂.
  Show proof.
    intros. now destruct H.

  Lemma bisim_intro : {A}
                        (R : Stream A Stream A Prop)
                        (R_head : {s₁ s₂ : Stream A}, R s₁ s₂ head s₁ = head s₂)
                        (R_tail : {s₁ s₂ : Stream A}, R s₁ s₂ R (tail s₁) (tail s₂)),
                         {s₁ s₂ : Stream A}, R s₁ s₂ s₁ s₂.
  Show proof.
    cofix Hc; constructor; intros.
    - now apply R_head.
    - eapply Hc; eauto. now apply R_tail.

End StreamInstance.

Module TerminalityStreamInstance <+ StreamTerminal.
Benedikt Ahrens and Régis Spadotti— Terminal semantics for codata types in intensional Martin-Löf type theory
Table of contents